Navigating Pharmacy Planning for Your New ASC Buildout  

Like many other aspects of building out a new Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), the pharmacy planning process demands plenty of strategic planning to ensure seamless operations and compliance with regulatory standards. From designing the layout to, obtaining necessary licenses, every aspect plays a pivotal role in providing excellent patient care.

We (MedServe) recently sat down with, Beata Canby, Partner at Left Coast Healthcare Advisors an ambulatory surgery healthcare consulting and advisory firm composed of experienced operators committed to driving real change in the way healthcare is delivered. One area of focus for them includes consulting with ASC operators to discuss Pharmacy planning for new ASCs. In our conversation below we delve into the critical considerations and timelines essential for pharmacy planning tailored to ASCs.

MedServe (MS): What factors should be considered during the pharmacy design and equipment planning process during new ASC build?
Beata Canby (BC):
ASCs should consider workflow efficiency, space optimization, regulatory compliance, safety protocols, scalability for future growth, integration with other departments, and equipment selection to meet their unique pharmacy needs.

MS: When should ASCs engage a pharmacy consultant or partner for their facility?
ASCs should involve pharmacy consultants early in the planning stage to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and facilitate smooth interactions with regulatory entities throughout the project.

MS: What is the timeline for applying for DEA registration for ASC pharmacies, and who is responsible for the application?BC: DEA registration timelines vary based on state regulations. ASCs can apply directly to the DEA Diversion Control Program online (Form 224). However, in our experience, it’s faster to apply in person at your local DEA office. There is also the option to utilize your Medical Director’s license, but often the Medical Director is not comfortable with the personal risk. Our recommendation is to have the ASC apply directly.

MS: Who should handle medication ordering and med room setup management within the ASC?
Depending on ASC size and staffing, responsibilities for medication ordering and med room setup may lie with Materials Management staff or the Chief Nurse.

MS: When should ASCs place their first medication order and set up their med room?
ASCs should place initial medication orders approximately 30 days before demonstration cases, with subsequent orders scheduled post-demonstration. Med room setup should align with the facility's operational timeline.

MS: What steps are crucial for ASCs to prepare for the pharmacy's opening and initial audit?
ASCs should conduct regular self-audits, provide comprehensive staff training on pharmacy processes and procedures, and ensure readiness for formal audits to maintain compliance and operational efficiency.

As you build out your ASC, it is critical to pay careful attention to building a pharmacy program compliant with federal, state, and local regulations and appropriately aligned with your opening timeline. By prioritizing workflow optimization, regulatory compliance, and staff readiness, ASCs can establish a pharmacy program that seamlessly integrates into their patient care continuum, ensuring safety and efficacy in medication management.

Have questions about the design and build process for your ASC? You can reach Beata via Left Coast Health Advisors website

Are you setting up your ASC’s Medication Management program? Consider implementing MedServe, the only digital medication management system built specifically for the workflows of ASCs. 


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